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WEGO Group

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Company Profile
Founded in 1988, WEGO started a disposable infusion sets business with tax revolving fund of RMB 25,000. At present, it works on developing medical devices and pharmaceuticals as its main business, while expanding the architectural engineering, finance and other businesses. With more than 80 subsidiaries, 2 listed companies, and more than 30,000 employees, WEGO Holding Co., Ltd., which covers an area of more than 6 million square meters, consists of WEGO Group, WEGO Architecture Engneering Group and WEGO Financial Holding Group. WEGO has 7 industry groups including medical products, blood purification, orthopedics, medical equipment, pharmacy, intracardiac consumables, and medical business. Main businesses of the architecture engneering group include the real estate, building materials, hotels, food and tourism; main businesses of the financial holding group are ass et and fund management, credit, equity investment, and securities management. Main products of WEGO are infusion s ets, syringes, blood transfusion equipment, intracardiac consumables, IV catheters and special needles, blood purification equipment and consumables, orthopedic materials, operating equipment and accessories, trauma care, surgical robots, minimally invasive instruments and equipment, ICU products and accessories, high-capacity injections and other pharmaceuticals, renal products, biological diagnostic reagents, surgical sutures, dental implants, sense control equipment and consumables, PVC & non-PVC materials and so on. With more than 1000 varieties of products provided in more than 150,000 specifications, WEGO’s medical instruments now have entered into 11 fields out of 15 segmented markets, becoming one of the most safe and reliable suppliers of medical system solutions in the world. WEGO has won the honorary titles such as Industrialization Base of Achievements of National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program), National Torch Plan Key High-Tech Enterprise, National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, Leading Enterprise of Chinas Industry, Top 500 Chinese Enterprises, Top 500 China Credit Enterprises, Top 500 Private Enterprises in China, National Contract Abiding and Trustworthy Enterprise, National Independent Innovation Demonstration Unit, National May 1st Labor Certificate, China Grand Awards for Industry, National Advanced Enterprise Applying Excellence Performance Model, Shandong Governor Quality Award, Chinese Quality Award Nomination and Global Performance Excellence Award. Weihai Blue Ocean Bank Co., Ltd. is approved to operate by the China Banking Regulatory Commission. In 2019, it ranked No. 381 among the top 500 Chinese enterprises, and No. 181 among the top 500 Chinese manufacturing enterprises.
Add: 山东省威海市火炬高技术产业开发区兴山路18号
Exhibitors Product
  • 大型医用分子筛制氧系统

    产品介绍/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 运用变压吸附法,通过吸附塔进行空气分离,多通路转阀进行气体分配,有效提高氧气收集率,氧气纯度达93%以上。 采用PSA技术,以转阀和配套的四吸附塔结构,高效分配制氧吸附周期,配合进口分子筛,提高制氧效率。 空气压缩机、滤芯均采用进口品牌,经过十级净化流程,有效去除压缩空气中的油、水、灰尘、细菌、CO等有害气体,减少前端气体对分子筛的损害。多通路的转阀结构,可有效的分配空气流量和流速,降低气流对分子筛的冲击,提高分子筛的使用寿命。

  • 医药包装系列

    1、可直接重力输液 2、可配合通用营养泵使用 3、减轻医护人员工作量

  • WEGO牙种植体系统

    威海威高洁丽康生物材料有限公司历经多年的自主研发,推出拥有自主知识产权、采用多种新技术设计、融多项先进理念,埋入式WEGO 牙种植体系统种植体表面采用当今世界上先进的大颗粒喷砂加酸蚀处理技术,具有优异的生物相容性和骨结合能力;结构设计融合了平台转换、莫氏锥度连接及十字键齿抗旋等口腔种植领域内的先进理念,既可达到良好的密封性,避免微渗漏,又可将负荷均匀的分散于种植体上,有效避免骨吸收,同时具有抗旋转功能;种植体主体微锥形、体部切削刃、尾部圆弧尾设计,可以有效分散应力,保持良好的初期稳定性并避免骨损伤。本系统还包含了丰富的上部修复组件、专用种植工具套装及CAD/CAM 个性化基台服务。所有规格的植体内径统一,上部修复配件通用,临床应用更为便捷。可以为口腔医生提供更好的选择,完成可靠稳定、美观的临床修复,精益求精、追求卓越,威高洁丽康将为口腔临床提供更多高质量,高精度的牙种植体系列产品及更为便捷的服务。

  • 临床护理系列

    1. 防止床单污染; 2. 简单过床 单人完成; 3. 降低医护人员的劳动强度; 4. 有效避免病人二次损伤。

  • 颅脑外引流套装

    产品介绍/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 商标: 高赛德 注册名称: 颅脑外引流套装 产品性能结构及组成: 该产品由手动颅钻、颅锥、导丝、引流管、引流袋组成。 包装材料: PVC衬板+无菌纸塑封装 产品适用范围: 适用于脑室及颅内血肿的外引流。 产品标准/技术要求: YZB/鲁0179-2010 产品使用有效期: 3年 产品优势、优点:1.手动颅钻螺旋形结构。穿刺时切入性能好,操作省力;2.一次性使用颅锥侧面滑道设计、前段锐利,用于清理锥孔通道;3.硅胶引流管前段为椭圆形盲端,刺入脑组织对脑组织起分离作用,无切割损伤。管侧开有多个侧孔,抽吸时不易被堵塞。4.引流袋可调节高度,设有防逆流及排液口,可防止逆向感染。

  • 全自动化学发光仪WG3010

    产品介绍/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 测试速度 360T/H 可实现4模块联机 样本区 350个样本位,可随时添加替换 独立急诊通道 支持原管上机,可兼容多种规格采血管 试剂区 单模块45个试剂位 2-8℃独立风冷系统 试剂加载采用双臂双针 加样更高效 反应杯装载区 单模块满载可进行1020个测试,可随时装载 智能检测反应杯数量,全程监控 测试结束后自动废弃物固液分离 操作系统 工业4.0 通信,系统更稳定 一键维护功能、便捷远程诊断 自动重测、关联测试 支持 LIS系统连接和双向通讯

  • 安全输注系列

    产品介绍/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1、无菌; 2、一次性使用; 3、防针刺装置; 4、非DEHP材质;

  • 快速式全自动清洗消毒器

    产品介绍/PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 主要适用于以下物品:手术器械(剪、钳、镊和其他金属器械),器皿(换药碗、弯盘、试管、烧杯等),麻醉器械(麻醉管、呼吸囊、面罩、各种导管等),手术鞋,内窥器械,牙科牙机等。 1、自动完成酶洗、漂洗、消毒、上油、干燥过程。可在运行时灵活开关,调整各阶段参数,实现清洗人性化。 2、开放数据端口,可与追溯系统连接,实现对器械包、单个器械等可追溯质量管理。 3、通道式的双门有互锁功能,保障了清洗区和清洁区之间的有效隔断;大视窗双层透明钢化玻璃门体,隔音隔热,可方便观察设备内的器械清洗状态。 4、密封门升降采用双侧同步带传动方式,动作平稳可靠,门上带有远红外线防夹手设计,遇到障碍物预先报警,不接触障碍物,保证人员误操作下的安全。

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