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Nanjing ante Medical Equipment Co., Ltd

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Company profile
Bestman established in 2001, top ten brands of fetal doppler, famous brand of fetal monitoring area in China, global leader brand of doppler blood flow detector, is an independent research, production and sales as whole’s high-tech medical equipment company. The companys R & D team is mainly composed of domestic famous researchers, returnees, maste rs and doctors, scientific research strength is very strong. After many years of efforts, the ultrasonic Doppler blood flow detector has been developed. At present, there are mainly products: ultrasonic vascular doppler, ultrasonic fetal doppler, Infusion & Blood warmer, Fetal Maternal Monitor, Syringe Destroyer, ECG machine. The company has passed the ISO9001:2015 international quality management system certification, ISO13485:2016 medical device international quality management system certification. Products passed the European Union CE certification and the United States FDA certification. Products are exported to the country, and exported to Europe, America, Oceania, Africa, the Mi ddle East and Southeast Asia and other 98 countries and regions. The company is always in the purpose of operation that scientific and technological innovation, create wealth, return to society, for the cause of human health , and strive to build Chinas first medical equipment base, become the leader in the industry, and strive to build Chinas first medical equipment base and become a leader in the industry. At present, our company has several series of products: BV series----Ultrasonic vascular doppler detector BFW series-----Infusion & Blood warmer BF series----Ultrasonic fetal doppler BFM series----Fetal Ma ternal Monitor BD series----Syringe Destroyer ECG series----- ECG machine BEU series ----- Bounce Scanner BIC series ---- Insulin Cooler Box BSNT series ----- Vital Signs Monitor BSNF series ----- Obstetric Detector BFP series ---- Feeding Pump BVF series ---- Vein Finder BUC series ---- Cosmetic Instrument
Exhibition of exhibits
  • BV-620V/620VP

    产品适用: 主要用于人体动脉血管状况和外周血管疾病(PAD)的检测, 适用于泌尿科、男性科、手术科、骨科、创伤外科、血管外科、烧伤整形科、内分泌科等。 产品特点: 1、通过8.0MHz(±10%)频率笔式探头辅助检测人体动脉/静脉血管的血流状况 2、测试血流平均速度,用于手指/脚趾以及肢体血管吻合手术后的效果检查,亦可检测脉率 3、3.2寸彩色液晶显示屏实时显示血流瞬间平均速度值、双向血流波形图及脉率值、 4、内置高品质扬声器,输出血流声音清晰洪亮 5、内置高容量可充电电池,满足长时间工作 6、可存储数据,支持回放 7、自带热敏纸打印功能 8、桌面台式机型,可选配520/620系列兼容PC软件,可实时或调取记录A4纸打印

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  • BF-560

    BF-560胎心音仪 产品适用: 主要用于对于胎儿心率的检测,用于医院、诊所和家庭等,也可用于脐带血检测 。 产品特点: LCD显示胎心率值、电池电量符号、信号强弱符号及探头工作频率值 白底背光液晶显示,适用于暗光时使用,背光可由用户自行设置开关 以节约电能延长电池工作时间并具有自动关机功能 内置优质扬声器使胎心音输出更清晰,配有耳机接口 标配探头2.0MHZ,可选配3.0MHz,5.0MHz探头检测脐血流 选配8.0MHz探头可作为血液多普勒测量血流及脉率值 工作模式:连续超声多普勒

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  • BV-650T

    产品适用: 适用于老年科、心血管科、内分泌科、体检科等科室。 功能特点: 1、支持电脑屏幕显示,由电脑系统处理显示界面 2、8MHz(±10%)频率笔式探头兼容双向、单向血流探头、PPG探头、便于医生对不同的部位进行测量 3、可显示血流速度值、脉率值、双向血流波形图、PPG波形、PVR波形、可测ABI/TBI/SEGMENT值、 4、可以自动计算出ABI和TBI,并计算出结果 5、可存储多达100万组数据,并可随时通过网络将数据备份到医院数据库 6、配置激光打印机,便于对测试数据进行记录和分析 7、移动推车式设计,配置超大液晶屏显示器 8、只需在腕/踝部测试血压值即可诊断疾病 9、BV-660T++可自动同时检测双侧数值

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  • BFM-700M

    BFM-700M母婴监护仪 产品适用: 主要适用于医院、医疗机构或家庭的围产期监护。 产品特点: 探头1.0MHz脉冲多普勒工作方式,超声剂量低,噪音低,灵敏度高 数字信号处理技术,胎心率实时自相关运算,准确可靠 热敏线阵列记录器,可实时记录监护数据或打印 RS-232传输数据至PC机 标准配置1MHz超声探头,宫缩压力探头,胎动定标器,血氧探头心电导联,体温探头 多报警功能,双事件标识,孕妇与医务人员的标记区分 5.7寸液晶显示器显示胎心率、宫缩压力及监护曲线、母亲无创血压、体温、呼吸率、血氧饱和度、心电等

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